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Design Competition Panel

Light House

Design Competition, Group

Concordia Lighthouse competition by MatterBetter call to redefine contemporary lighthouse typology while paying tribute to the Costa Concordia Disaster. Light House re-imagine the typology as a memorial observation deck. The lighthouse resemble the skeletal frame of the ship as a remembrance to the tragic incident.


Atria Public Land Redevelopment

Design Workshop, Group

With the Atria Shopping Gallery under construction, this design workshop divide participant into four groups with different themes to come out with a proposal to re-develop two plot of lands located on each site of Atria development.



Design & Making

The brief of this Design & Making project seek to create an object that an architectural student needed on a daily basis.
ARCube is a 10cm by 10cm cube that made up of 17 puzzle like  pieces. Upon taking apart, small components can be arrange together for massing inspiration. With 3 different types of timber used, the variation in texture and tone create another layer of meaning for the massing model.

Academic: Services

Design Studio 

Urban Monastery

Philosophy Education Center 

As the name suggested, Chinatown was a district for the Chinese community since the existence of Kuala Lumpur. Today, it is barely a node from the past for locals or tourists. The identity of Chinatown is fading away together with the diminishing community. This design proposal aimed to bring back the identity through bringing back the bottom-most element of the structure, which is the philosophy teaching and thinking of the Chinese community.

Through different approach, philosophy will be introduced to the local Chinese community targeting the younger generation. Main as a philosophy education center, this proposal also aimed to preserve and gather the diminishing Chinese community.



Urban Monastery was inspired by traditional Chinese architecture, in term of language and void typology



Void Typology

Void Typology









Site respond

Site respond

Lower Ground Floor

Lower Ground Floor

Ground Floor

Ground Floor

First Floor

First Floor

Lane District

Community Bicycle Hub

Penang government has always been promoting cycling as an effort towards a more sustainable township. By introducing the cyclist lane, the government had been actively initiating the cycling culture for the public to participate in. 

This proposal will compliment and promote the cycling culture as a cyclist hub where they can gather, socialize, dine, and learn together. It serves as a working and living space that accommodates two families that operates the bicycle shops and restaurant shop respectively, with the core program being the community self maintenance and repair learning center that encourage  sharing of knowledge between cyclist.

Blending in

Blending in

Cycling Journey

Cycling Journey







Ground Floor Plan

Ground Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Third Floor Plan

Third Floor Plan


Storage of Knowledge

Ulu Geroh, Perak is an indigenous settlement located 15km off Gopeng Town. Due to the lack of education facilities, the locals slowly losing the power to self-sustain economically. Stoledge will serve as a knowledge exchange point between the locals and the visitors (volunteers) through their period of stay. As the younger moved out of the village, the community suffer a loss of the upcoming population.

This proposal aimed to minimize the generation and knowledge gap among villagers, through the introduction of 'school' and 'library', in the form the locals are familiar with. 

Overlooking the river

Overlooking the river



Site Model

Site Model



Lower Ground Floor Plan

Lower Ground Floor Plan

Ground Floor Plan

Ground Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

Academic: Services
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