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Humanizing the Consumption Machine

Transit' is an experimental typology intended to tackle the introvert characteristic of malls in a tropical country context. The strategies are being explored in 3 fold:-  

Community – Sentul Square is designed to be a public space for the local community, the visitors and commuters alike, with local business commercial space as a mean to support local businesses and establishing the sense of community through the path.

Pedestrian – The edges are designed to be pedestrian friendly, with the exception of west boundary serving the essential functions and connected to the KTM Station of the first floor. Eastern boundary is designated as a pedestrian only playfield to ensure quality of the pedestrian experience.

Human Scale – Despite its 4 stories massing, the Streets are designed to be of human scale, paying homage to the shop houses typology as the most common and functional commercial typology from the past decades.

Sentul Square
Site context
Sentul Square
Local Businesses
Sunken Street Level
Street Level
Upper Street Level
Roof Top Level
Car Park Floor
Activities across
Sentul Square

Humanizing the Consumption Machine 

Extroverting Mall typology through transition spaces 

Shopping mall has been a rising phenomenon in the recent decades with the retail spaces per capita reaching a saturation point in Klang Valley. The introverted building layout and form not only alienate itself from its surrounding, it further encapsulate the experience of a city into a tightly controlled and policed space, destroying the already deteriorating public street life. The issues of mall typology will be tackled in three fold, namely Community, Pedestrian, and Human Scale. The core idea of the design thesis centred on transition spaces to its surrounding, inspired by the quality of Japanese street for its neutrality and utilitarian role.

The Thesis
History of Mall
Problem Statement
Transition Spaces
Japanese Streets
Vertical Streets
Transition spaces in mall typology
Defining Community Mall
Tales of Sentul
History of Sentul
Master plan by YTL Land
Materiality of Sentul
Site: Strengths
Site: Opportunities
Site: Weaknesses
Site: Threats
Sentul: The Communities
Sentul: The Landmarks
Mall: Program
Mall: Case Studies
Mall: Design Exploration
Mall: Engaging the Edges
Transit': About Me
Transit': About Me
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