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Kristang Community Hub

Social, Development, Empowerment

Social spaces can be defined as the space or or place where interaction between people happens. From the above point of view, any activity spaces involving two or more users at one particular time can be termed as social spaces.

In an effort to regenerate and ultimately lead to the empowerment of the Kristang community, the proposal for the community hub focuses on the connection and interaction between different forms and types of social spaces. The design looks into how spaces intended for different age groups, activities, and users connect together while catalysing the interaction between one and other. Besides, how places are usually perceived is taken consideration to create smooth transition between spaces. While creating job opportunity for the locals, the proposed program creates a centre for communal activity for all age groups, from working and living to socializing. Different programs are rooted to the site and responds to its immediate surroundings while performing with the context as a whole.

Identity and culture is a result of interaction between people of the community. The entry level where the work place is located will be the economic generator for the Kristangs while the upper floor, the living social spaces will be the platform for daily activities that form a neighbourhood.

Shared social space
Economy Generator
Connection to the Sea
Site Plan
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Second Floor Plan
Site Respond
Social Spaces
Kristang Community Hub: About Me
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